Fitness For Youth

Projekt „Fitness For Youth“ je zaměřen na edukaci mládeže. Cílem tohoto projektu je motivovat mládež ke zdravému a správnému pohybu a také je poučit o základech správné a zdravé výživy. Tím jim zlepšit celkovou kvalitu života.

The project „Fitness For Youth“ is focused on education of youth. The aim of this project is to motivate young people to exercise well and to learn about the basics of good and healthy nutrition. This will improve them overall quality of life.

Stop Doping Abuse

Cílem projektu „Stop Doping Abuse“ je informovat mládež o hrozbách a nebezpečí při zneužívání zakázaných látek. Jakými jsou jak látky zvyšující sportovní výkonnost, tak drogy určené pro mentální výkonnost či relaxaci.

The aim of the project „Stop Doping Abuse“ is to inform young people about the threats and dangers of substance abuse. Such as both sports performance enhancers and drugs designed for mental performance or relaxation..





Sport is a tool for social inclusion

Do tohoto projektu se zapojilo celkem 8 zemí, které se snaží aktivně podporovat a rozvíjet mládež, která má znevýhodněné zázemí. Cílovou skupinou je mládež od 18-40 let. Mezi hlavní cíle projektu patří: zlepšovat sebevědomí a dovednosti mladých lidí, dělat je více otevřenými, podporovat vztahy mezi lidmi a upřednostnit kreativitu.

The project with a partnership of 8 European countries, focuses on the idea that young people can do sport in order to increase social inclusion. The main target group in terms of end-users is youth 18-40, from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. The project aims to: strengthen the capacity of youth workers and youth organizations in working with/for social inclusion, improve their personal skills, making them more open-minded, boost active citizenship of the youth of the 21th-century skills like problem-solving, being active, self-expression, creativity, etc.


Sustainability Managers at School

Europe For You is working alongside and three other EU partners to fulfil a sustainable project aimed at highschools. Sustainability Managers @ Schools, is focused on creating an environment within schools that automatically gets students participating in sustainable activities. Students will participate in a number of activities and promote the topic through engagements within their local community. The goal of the project is to create ECO citizens who will leave school thinking about sustainable ways to do business, look after the planet and consider our fellow humans, as we choose the activities of the future. Follow us on facebook at

Green Workout

Projekt Green Workout reflektuje současnou potřebu odpovědného přístupu k životnímu prostředí v každodenních lidských činnostech. Projekt vychází z následujících potřeb cílové skupiny, kterou jsou mladí lidé na začátku své kariéry ve věku 20-30 let. Jedná se o potřeby: zdravého životního stylu, potřeba sportovat i přes pandemii COVID-19, potřeba chránit životní prostředí, potřeba společensky odpovědného chování, potřeba kriticky přemýšlet nad důsledky svých každodenních činností, potřeba integrace a inkluze a potřeba překonávat překážky.

The Green Workout project reflects the current need for a responsible approach to the environment in everyday human activities. The project is based on the following needs of the target group, which are young people at the beginning of their careers aged 20-30 as the need for a healthy lifestyle, the need to play sports despite the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to protect the environment, the need for socially responsible behavior, the need to think critically over the consequences of their daily actions, the need for integration and inclusion and the need to overcome obstacles.





Projekt podporuje začleňování mladých lidí a pedagogů se znevýhodněným sociálním prostředím tím, že přináší evropskou dimenzi na místní úroveň prostřednictvím jógové disciplíny. V souladu s prioritami a cíli této akce projekt navrhuje a testuje dostupné a inkluzivní jógové aktivity pro mládež ve věku 13–18 let s omezenými příležitostmi a jejich vychovatele v agregačních centrech mládeže s cílem zlepšit jejich psychofyzickou pohodu a respekt pro rozmanitost.

The project support the inclusion of youngsters with disadvantaged social backgrounds and their educators by bringing the European dimension to the local level through yoga discipline. In particular, according to the call priorities and objectives, the project designs and tests accessible and inclusive yoga activities for youngsters aged 13-18 with fewer opportunities and their educators in youth aggregation centres in order to improve their psycho-physical well-being and respect for diversity.




Participant countries:

Czech Republic





North Macedonia

The main purpose of our project is to enable students to take every opportunity to blossom by preventing social exclusion, peer bullying, violence and hate speech, to ensure social integration of these students, to urge students to debate and make them tolerant . Feeling insecure with their own abilities, the students and youth interact less and less among each other, less accepting other people’s consideration. A lot of students find it difficult to speak in front of others and rarely involve themselves in active social thinking and public speaking on recent society issues. Failure to school, peer tyranny and lack of social integration force these students to leave school early. Overcoming the negative effects of peer tyranny and self-confidence, self-esteem, social acceptance, tolerance is the basic need of all our partners to help them gain all basic skills. All the schools of the partnership recognized this as a big problem in their communities. Today’s world map shows us an increasing intermingling of various cultures that have to or want to live together. More often than not, these colourful maps are often clouded by inherent conflicts and threats of imminent war. It is why we believe that the sooner we act, the better chance we will stand to prevent such conflicts from breaking out. The reason why we chose to make this a priority of our project is the fact that this entire phenomenon is also visible from early stages of life, at ages when children should try to see the beauty of life, should learn acceptance and tolerance and should be free from prejudices. Unfortunately, children are often shaped by the narrow-mindedness of adults in the spirit of intolerance, meanness and hatred against other people, which only ensures the preservations of such unsound attitudes and behaviours that have already caused problems in the past. The basic behaviour that students generally resort to at their age to show disrespect and lack of tolerance is bullying, a phenomenon which has increased steadily and affected an increasingly worrying number of students in the past years.

Disclaimer: The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.



Our NGO participated as an associate partner in this project.

Modern life, characterised by industrialisation, urbanisation and technology, prioritises human needs. However, this lifestyle is leading to environmental degradation and health problems, including sedentary work, which contributes to obesity – according to the WHO, it affects up to 80% of adults and 20% of young people in Europe. The European Environment Agency links pollution to 500 000 premature deaths a year, with waste management being a key problem. Cultural and social integration, together with environmental sustainability, is essential for the future of the EU. Our project, which involves schools, associations and a university, aims to engage disadvantaged young people in health, environmental protection and cultural heritage to raise their awareness and integration into European society.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Czech National Agency for International Education and Research. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.