Project management meeting minutes of the Erasmus+ project SPORT IS


We talked to all partners about things that still need to be done in the project:

1) the first things were the Bite lessons:
Each partner has to prepare at least 3-5 bite lessons and upload here:
Some partners are missing some of their bite lessons (especifically Turkey is missing one).

2) Peer-to-peer activities
Each partner has to organize at least 2-4 peer-to-peer activities and upload videos or booklets about
them here:
Some partners are missing some of their peer-to-peer activities (especifically Spain 1, Lithuania 1, UK
1, Malta 1, Turkey 1)

3) Website
Website is not working anymore since November 2021, so we talked
about creating the new one. Spanish partner will create a new website by June 1st. (However, they
did not attend the meeting in CZ).

4) Confirm the dates of Malta and Greece
We had agreed LTT in Malta on 20-26 May, 2022 and last TPM in Greece on 10-13 June, 2022.

5) LTT in Malta
Plan for LTT was done with Tad:
Date: May 20-26, 2022
Participants: 3 participants per country

Tad will send infopack as soon as possible with all the information about LTTA in Malta.

6) Dissemination

  • Spanish partner will create a new website by June 1st.
  • Creation of a Project dedicated YouTube channel. Turkish partner should do it and upload
    the videos by May. (However, Turkey didn ́t attend the meeting in CZ).